Monday 21 November 2011

Another Google Panda Update On October 14 ’2011, Reports Matt Cutts

Started very well for us and the rest of our blogger community. However, none of us were aware that we were going to get hit by another deadly Google Panda Update in the next 5-6 hours. And it came to us! It was none other than another minor update to Google’s deadly Panda which is famous for killing a series of websites ever since it was rolled out for the first time in February 2011.

It is not the first time GeekSyrup has been hit by a Panda Update. Earlier Panda Updates have actually been really good for us since they gave us appreciable traffic increase, for the simple reason that we have all unique and high quality content out here on GeekSyrup. However, this is the first time any Panda Update has degraded us adversely, and I am still un-aware of the reason, since we have been respecting Google’s webmaster guidelines in every aspect ever since GeekSyrup came online. That is not all, we have been ranking fairly good in search engines, thanks to the efforts of our SEO team.

As far as keywords are concerned, they have never been stable in the past 2-3 months, and I can see them moving a lot every-time. The best of our articles are still ranking on the first page in Google Search, however, the traffic drop we are experiencing on GeekSyrup takes us back to the traffic we used to have 15-20 days back. GeekSyrup has been experiencing a traffic loss of around 60% after recent Panda Update. I know it should not be much of a concern for us, since I am sure we will be getting over with the Panda Update in the coming week, and also, I will be making certain changes to the blog , taking into consideration the blog’s loading time, various scripts, and also strengthen the content quality for the next of our posts, to make sure Google does not target us in its next update.
There are constant discussions on Facebook and Twitter as well, regarding a ‘supposed’ Google Panda Update in the past 24-hours, however, we are now sure of it being none other than the deadly Google Panda. Google’s webmaster forums are overfilled with re-consideration requests and what not, however, if you keep writing quality and originality oriented content, you don’t really need to worry about Google Panda Updates, since they would actually prove good for you in a long time, if they are violent for you at the present!
We are welcoming suggestions, requests, and feedback on how we can fight-back Google’s recent Panda Update in a healthy manner. Feel free to add your experience and views via the comments section below, and we will start making changes accordingly!

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