Sunday 20 November 2011

10 Tips to Recover from Google Panda Update by focusa2z

How can your site recover from Google Panda Update?
Google who makes roughly 500 yearly algorithm adjustments recently launched 2.5 version of its famous Panda algorithm as reported by Matt Cutts at twitter “Weather report: expect some Panda-related flux in the next few weeks, but will have less impact than previous updates (~2%).”
Google Panda Updates first came in month of Feb 2011 which affected many top sites like hubpages, squidoo, daniweb etc. Many small publishers who are not concentrating on quality content got affected by this algorithm whose main aim was to reduce the ranking of low quality sites. My site also got affected with this update and I learnt some tips from my mistakes which I would like to share and hope it will also help you if your blog is hit by thisnew panda update.
Note : If you really want to improve your site then it will take considerable time and efforts.

Google Panda Update Recovery
1. Know your site – Make complete list of your site or blog URLs and analyze the content of each URL carefully. Note the URLs in an excel sheet which needs improvement like those which have very less content, lots of spelling mistakes and copied content.
2. Check Page ranking – Note the pages/posts which were at good rank at Google search results before the Panda update and now they have low rankings. Improve the quality of content of these pages, share them on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and submit them to social voting sites like Digg, Mixx with unique headlines.
3. Improve the internal linking of pages – Google loves internal linking as much as external links, so keep that in mind when you write new posts- interlink these with old posts with relevant keywords.
4. Clean your site : It can be done by removing posts/pages which are irrelevant to your site or not adding any significant value to your site.
5. Use more Google services – Use Blogspot, Youtube and Google plus wherever you can, because you will find that Google is giving preference to their sites or content as compared to other sites. e.g and were among the top winners of increase in traffic from the Panda update. And always update yourself with new additions or improvements in their search algorithm at the Google’s webmaster blog.
6. Gain authenticity - If your site has very less page rank then get some good backlinks by submitting on high PR sites (quality) which accept guest posts.
7. Too many ads – may be causing problem for the viewers and interfering with the reader expererience while on your site, so keep control on ads and also select the appropriate location for them.
8. Lessons from past – Curious case of Daniweb & Hubpages : a IT discussion forum is affected two times by Google Panda update, first in Feb 2011 and 2nd this time, but both time daniweb recovers from this update. How they do it? First time they recover by changing the entire site’s URL structure. The actual URL of every single page has changed. Watch more on below video
DaniWeb Speaks out on Recovering from Google Panda

Hubpages recovered by implementing subdomains across the site but googleclearly states that “Subdomains can be useful to separate out content that is completely different from the rest of a site — for example, on domains such as However, site owners should not expect that simply adding a new subdomain on a site will trigger a boost in ranking.”
9. Listen to Google – Google’s Amit Singhal said, “Any time a good site gets a lower ranking or falsely gets caught by our algorithm — and that does happen once in a while even though all of our testing shows this change was very accurate — we make a note of it and go back the next day to work harder to bring it closer to 100 percent…That’s exactly what we are going to do, and our engineers are working as we speak building a new layer on top of this algorithm to make it even more accurate than it is.”
He adds more “Search is a complicated and evolving art and science, so rather than focusing on specific algorithmic tweaks, we encourage you to focus on delivering the best possible experience for users.”
10. Concentrate on your blog niche – and become master in that niche (do not divert from your site niche) .

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