Sunday 20 November 2011

Detailed tutorial on Google Panda update – how to gain from it?

Google Panda has really been in the hype in last couple of months. I have read quite a lot of discussions on different forums where I realized people had real hard time understanding the BULLET POINTS [real key facts] of panda updates and what exactly they could do to make the most out of panda updates. Hence I decided to put up a post that will actually list specific “to-do” which will help you understanding the effects/affects of panda on your site. In this article, I am not going to talk about probabilities and theories. I am helping you with exact methods that you can follow.

Why Panda was released?
Lately, there were tons of so-called SEO companies who believed in “backlinks win” strategy. They spammed link farms to death with a link to their clients websites. It sure resulted in better search engine rankings for their clients, however, it increased the rate of “not-so-useful” information incidents for Google. If you remember, quite a lot of websites got penalized since the beginning of the January 2010. To reduce the dis-satisfaction of searchers, Google released a new algorithm and named it “Google Panda” which helps Google avoiding spammy websites being displayed in search results.
Whats up with the name PANDA?
Google Panda update was supposed to be released as “Farmer Update”, as it was more into kicking off the link farms. However, at the time of launch Google named it after one of their team members working in this project who had a nickname of “Panda”.
Enough of background! Now, let’s see how exactly you can improve your website’s search engine rankings with the help of Panda.!
1. Maintaining keywords density:
After a long research and analysis, it has been proved that 5% keyword density works the best after panda update. When we talk about 5%, it means in every 100 words of your article, 5 words should be the keyword you are targeting. Over stuffing is strict NO NO! Because that will get your website totally ignored by google.
2.Ratio of outbound links:
It is recommended that you maintain the ratio of 1:3 for the number of outbound links that you have. Which means, on every 3 incoming links, you should have an outbound link. This ratio will make sure that Google considers your website to be genuine and worth to rank.
3.Maintain Nofollow & Dofollow links ratio:
This is really an important factor when it comes to “link building strategies”. A lot of people avoid putting outbound links on their websites. Google looks at it as pure spam, because you aren’t linking to anything thats worth!. Hence, it is strongly recommended to link other website’s, their posts whenever its relevant to your page.
Ideal ratio for dofollow links is 1:5. Which means, out of every 6 outbound links from your blog, there should 1 DoFollow and 5 NoFollows. Which will again make sure that Google consider your website as a genuine website. Make sure you do not no-follow all the links , vice versa.
4. NoFollow all paid outbound Links:
Google has been penalizing thousands of websites for selling links. It is really important that you apply the No-Follow attribute to the paid outbound links from your website. I would personally recommend not to sell the links totally, but still if you want to, make sure you no-follow them.
5. Send outbound links to authority sites:
Make it a point that you put outbound links to famous and popular sites. Like, wordpress, UNICEF, PETA. The kind of sites that are doing good, helping others. Its fine even if these links are not totally relevant to your content. Google considers it your plus point because you are linking to something thats worth.
6. Mention contact number & office location:
After the Panda Update, Google is all about “trust factor”. Personally, if you are following an author or a blog, you would know what exactly is that blog all about. The same way, Google prefers websites with address and contact info more then websites without them. Because, your personal information gains the credibility and a sense of reliability to Google.
7. Expand the age of your Domain name:
Earlier this point was not as important as it is right now. Google also considers the number of years your domain is registered for. Domains that are renewed every year, holds less credibility then the domains that are bought for two to three years.

8. Uniqueness of content:
Those days are past by when people used to copy other’s content and just re-write it foola round with search engines. Now, ranking is more about creativity and new ideas for content and not the answers to the same questions which have been answered thousand times. For example, research! Do a deep research for about two weeks and publish the interesting statistics. It captures a lot of attention, a lot of backlinks and Google’s bots!
9. Size of content:
This is a point that has been changed drastically from what it was before. Earlier, bloggers preferred having 10 articles 500 words each. However, now its all about the length of the articles and not the number of articles. Try to squeeze in as much information as you can to get ranked better for the subject of the article in Google. At the same time, make sure you do not overlook the reader’s point of view. Even though its long, shouldn’t get boring.
10. Engaging Social Media:
There have been a lot of debates on Social Media’s influence on Google. Now, as most of you have seen, Google ranks tweets as well. Passively, twitter and facebook has a lot of influence on Google searches now after the release of the panda update. Because, Google’s latest algorithm updates are all about personalized user experience and their searching history. So if a lot of people shared your link on facebook and twitter, their friends would see your link on top when they search for that particular subject.

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