Sunday 20 November 2011

Google Panda SEO Traffic and your website

Google Panda SEO and Traffic
The relationship between SEO and Traffic is something that has always been assumed, but there is little hard evidence that one will lead to the other. What has been documented is without proper SEO, your website traffic does not generally flow your way.
This is one of the constants in the cyber world, most of what is known is assumed. The Google monster is the best example of this. They have made it a habit to be very vague on just what they do and how they list websites in their SERP’s. This is done on purpose so it will always be a challenge by website owners to guess just what will help them rise to the top.
With the stated overall goal of improving the enjoyment of the average surfer by Google, most website owners are concentrating on only posting quality articles. This content has to be keyword rich without being stuffed so the appropriate listing on the SERP’s is obtained. By only posting high quality content for the viewership to see, a site will be rewarded with a good ranking on the SERP’s for the appropriate keywords.
Google Panda SEO
That is the theory, but with Panda being introduced sometime ago, many website owners feel mistakes by Google were made. There has been a slow but continuous progress for many of the websites that were unjustly punished for unknown reasons. What is apparent is that the greater number of high quality links you have to your site, the better your results will be in the SERP’s most of the time. Again there have been no official studies confirming this.
There are many different web consultants that claim they have a fool proof plan that will get any site listed higher. What is the truth is that there are plans that work to SEO a site that will work in some instances part of the time. There is no one path to success other than for being consistent and determined over a long period of time.
By placing high quality content on your site that has the keywords placed in the optimum position, you stand the greatest chance of achieving a higher SERP’s standing as compared to your competitor. You will also need to link your site to multiple high traffic sites so the accumulated effect will be passed on to your site.
Knowing how to connect SEO and Traffic is and probably always will be a guessing game. You can do your part by always having quality content on your site and do not attempt to do any shortcuts that could jeopardize what you have already done. This is the best way to increase your traffic.
Latest on Google Panda SEO and Traffic
As this article goes to print we notice that another recent Panda update has just occurred. You now doubt will see the resulting affects on some of your niche marketing sites. Those of you that have highly relevant content, on topic in your niche will not be apt to be hurt. That is, unless you do not update your content on a continual basis.
What Google wants their users to find is the latest news about whatever your subject is. They also want to see relevant websites linked to from your article. Why? Because they want YOU to provide excellent resources (as well as sources) of your content.
SEOMoz tells it like it is: Google’s “Freshness” Update
So post wisely, post on topic, post often, cite brand new or news type items, and link out to other authority sites even if it is to your competition. You will get your reward in Google Heaven which will show you the relevance to SEO and traffic.

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